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The By-Laws of GDREIA

1. Standing Committees - The standing committees of GDREIA are as follows:
A. Finance
B. Government / Community Relations
C. Library
D. Member Relations
E. Networking
F. Magazine
H. Public Relations/ Marketing
I. Programs
J. Vendor Members
K. Volunteers
L. Website
M. Education

Other committees can be established as required, at the discretion of the President.

II. The regular monthly General Assembly meeting of GDREIA shall be held at a
location and time as designated by the Board of Trustees. The First Wednesday 
 meeting shall be considered the General Assembly Meeting, and other
meetings or events may be scheduled at the discretion of the Board. The Board Meeting
shall be held prior to the first General Assembly meeting each month.

III. Annual dues for GDREIA shall be as follows:
A. Individual $197.00
B. Vendor: $350.00
Additional Member - $50.00

IV. All expenditures above $50 need Board approval. Unbudgeted items above $50 must
have Board approval

V. All formal documents, all written contracts exceeding $500, and all checks must be
signed by two (2) officers.

VI. The Newsletter

A. Shall be prepared and distributed to all members of GDREIA on or before
the Friday before the first General Meeting. The newsletter deadline for content
shall be no later than the tenth of the month will be that deadline.
B. It shall contain all important information concerning the activities of both
the Board and the General Assembly. This may include a brief synopsis of
the minutes, descriptions of motions acted on or pending, announcements
of up-coming speakers or social activities of GDREIA, and any other
information that the Board or Newsletter Editor may direct or deem

VII.Representation of GDREIA

A. No person or persons, other than the President or his/her designated
Representative shall at any time represent GDREIA in any way, publicly
or privately, without the consent of the President, or in his/her absence, the
B. Any unauthorized representation of GDREIA by any member may result in
the Board's recommendation to the General Assembly the expulsion of that
member from GDREIA.

VIII.Trustee and Chairperson Compensation

A. Trustees will receive the benefits of a General membership without
payment of dues when same are due during their term in office.
B. All Non-Trustee chairs shall have their General Member dues reduced
fifty Percent (50%) when they come due during service as Chairperson.
C. Compensation for Trustees and Chairpersons shall be at the individual
membership rate. Vendor Members shall pay the difference between the
individual rate and the commercial rate.
D. Board members shall receive free admission to workshops, on space
availability basis, as determined by the Chair, sponsored by GDREIA, and
will be expected to assist when needed at the event. Non-Trustees pay
50% where feasible.
E. Board members shall be reimbursed so that any educational materials
purchased by the Board member at GDREIA sponsored programs and
workshops where such items are sold, are at the Association's cost.
F. Board members, depending upon the budget, and upon a vote of the
Board, shall be able to attend certain events such as the Spring ORElA
Leadership Training, and the NAREIA Mid-Year Leadership Training or
others as deemed appropriate by the Board.

IX. Board Composition

A. The Board of Trustees shall be the governing body of GDREIA and shall
consist of Trustees specified by the total memberships as of June 1st of each
year for the preparation of nomination and voting for Trustees in September.
According to total members:
Less than 200 memberships 8 voting Trustees
Less than 350 memberships 10 voting Trustees
Less than 500 memberships 12 voting Trustees

X. Insurance

A. Directors & Officers Insurance shall be kept in force to cover the
Association and all Board Members at all times. The President shall be
responsible for making sure the coverage is in force, which may include
being accountable for ahendance of OREIA meetings or such other
requirements as may be needed for OREIA to pay the premium, or raking
other steps to assure continuous coverage.
B. Liability Insurance shall be kept in force to cover any and all GDREIA
sponsored activities.

XI. Confidentiality and Code of Conduct.

GDREIA has two agreements which are part of the By-Laws by reference, and which are
attached : Exhibit 1 is a Confidentiality Agreement for Board Members, and Exhibit 2,
the Code of Conduct for all members.


Contact Us

Greater Dayton Real Estate Investors Association

3541 Dayton-Xenia Road #341591
Dayton, OH 45434
(937) 216-5724

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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Disclaimer  (Greater Dayton Real Estate Investors Association) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. GD REIA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

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