Come Play CashFlow 101 Game
You're invited to join us for CASHFLOW 101 Game Night.
In this hands-on game, held on the first and Third Saturdays each month, you will
make money, lose money, and discover what few people ever learn;
the secrets of the rich: How to profit in up-markets and down markets!
Business owners, entrepreneurs, real estate professionals, investors and those who
want to enjoy learning in a fun, and interactive atmosphere are all welcome!
Different members host the game in their home, so preregister for details on the next location!
Not yet a member? Join today for as low as $20/month and receive free and instant access to most monthly meetings and events!
Cincinnati & Dayton Water & Flood Damage Restoration Services
At Dry Patrol, we understand how devastating water, fire, flood, and mold can be to your home, business and family. As a result, it’s always been our policy is to treat people first, then the problem. We do this by being the industry leader, not just another restoration services company. We are the top fire damage, mold removal, and water/flood remediation company in the Cincinnati and Dayton area. The Dry Patrol teams bring only the top quality to every job we do. We never cut a single corner while performing our restoration services.